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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Fall Update

I've been very remiss in updating this blog lately.  I'm not quite sure why, but it may have something to do with the fact that I seem to be in an extended remission so there is nothing new to report about my current status.  I also don't want to bore you all with technical bullshit about all the new therapies coming on line, like I did in the last post.

However, there is some great news on the myeloma therapy front that is worth reporting.  The FDA just approved daratumumab as the first immunotherapy drug for MM!  That's huge.  As of now, it's only approved for patients who have had three or more previous therapies, but that may be extended if the results continue to show the great results it has so far.  This is just another arrow in the ongoing defense against MM.  I'm feeling pretty good right now that when I finally have a relapse (I know it's only a matter of time), there will be a number of new options available, including this.

Anyway, my last visit with the Farber last week was great!  My numbers are still in the normal range and I'm still in remission.  Thank goodness!  While I was there in the waiting room, I saw Kathy Colson, who was the nurse who got me into the MLN9708 clinical trial because my initials serendipitously happened to be WO.  She was talking to another patient but when I was called in to get my vitals by "William O", she looked at me and smiled and cried out "WO"!  I don't think she'll ever forget that magical coincidence that got me into the MLN9708 clinical trial, nor will I.  I will be forever grateful.  Thank you, Kathy!

I just had a bone density test done.  The results showed that my spine is OK, but my pelvis density is low, showing some osteopenia.  That may explain why I have lost almost 3 inches in height in the last number of years.  I have to say though, my bones must not be too bad, since when I fell off the ladder a few years ago from a great height, I only just cracked some rib bones, which have now healed.  I mean really, how many people can fall about 15 feet off a ladder and still be here to say "Hey, I'm OK!"?

This weekend we are going up to the farm in Champlain, NY to close it up for the winter.  I'm sorry to see the season end, but I guess it's time to hunker down for winter.  I sure hope as hell it won't be as bad as the last one.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!  Please enjoy the bounty of this season.

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